we had a wonderful weekend entertaining tara's family - well, tara's family MINUS her husband, who for some reason chose painting a ceiling and super bowl fun with friends over THIS:

you can get a real sense of the adventure involved in the tobaggon run with the pictures tara was able to capture with her 12x zoom....we all had a great time and then headed to the sled hill...

the kids had a great time racing down the hill, sometimes making it upright, other times not...

and molly attracted a bunch of attention as the youngest sledder...she has her own sled that has little 'wings' to prevent her flipping over (in theory...she has a few scratches on her upper nose to provide evidence that it doesn't always work)...and she LOVED every minute racing down the hill by herself:

anyway...you get the point...we had fun....
after sledding the girls were headed to a 'girls day out' with my aunt and then we hosted a big fondue dinner, including my in-laws...which ironically enough, my friend
amy also did this weekend...what are odds?

the other main activity for the weekend included electronic entertainment never seen before in the baker household - dance dance revolution and guitar hero. THIS is the source of the serious smackdown i gave tara through our three-song challenge.

and despite jason's mild social anxiety disorder, even HE could be found partaking in guitar hero & DDR (as the youngins call it...) for his personal safety, i will not be posting pictoral (not to be confused with pectoral) evidence...i will, however, offer you a glimpse of my future american idols...

Fondue must be the meal of choice for Super Bowl widow families. Another family stopped by Sunday while we were eating and said "hey, we're having that, too!"
And, pray tell, what kind of camera is Tara sporting these days? I'm in the market for a new one with a good zoom.
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