and i'm probably slowly going insane because of it, and the millions of things we do this time of here's recap of what we've been doing recently...
we prepared an 'upset tummy package' - complete with bottle of water, some triscuits and (at a huge sacrifice for jason) and orange barf bowl for lilly - who on our ride home from spring break heaved every 10 - 15 minutes or so for several HOURS and needed said package in her room when we got home.

we ate our first meal of the season in our screen room

we explored wildlife at grandmom and grandpop's house

we put up a new toy in the backyard!

and we started soccer season...oh and what a story goes with this...when it was time to register for soccer season, we discussed the playing options with all the kids. maya and porter decided they were going to give it a go (much to their father's delight), whereas lilly held steadfast that if there was an actual competition involved, she wanted nothing to do with it (much to her father's dismay). so we sign up maya and porter and the week that practice starts we're talking about it, when to get their uniforms, etc. and getting them ready for their first practice when lilly is starting to act a little forlorn and jealous. so i ask her - do you want to play soccer? cause if you do, i have to sign you up RIGHT NOW, and you'll be put on a waitlist. and she immediately says yes, she wants to play.
so we're headed out the door to the soccer club admin building to buy the required equipment for the kids. this gives us the opportunity to talk to the club manager about lilly's odds of being placed on a team (and the other two kids are WILD because they both have practice shortly after this adventure and now lilly is somehow DYING to play). the club manager tells me that there is already a U8 girls team (under 8) that doesn't have a coach, so if they don't get a coach, then those girls are going to have to be split up on to other teams, which will then be 'overloaded' and therefore, lilly won't get to play. the solution to this, the manager says, is if we want to coach.
take a deep breath. oye. jason walks in after selecting the uniform stuff with maya and porter. i briefly explain situation and he says 'okay'. as in - we'll coach. we had briefly discussed it previously, when we got an email from the club saying they needed some coaches for the U4 division (that's porter's division). we looked at the schedule and just didn't respond, but knew, between the two of us, that we could probably make it work if we had to.
and there stood lilly - wide-eyed and ready to play. so we said yes. we started coaching last week (a week later than all the other teams) and have a great group of eight U8's been very interesting for jason (who LOVES other people's children - NOT!), but has been great for me, cause after all my work with lilly's classes and the girl scouts, it's my first interaction with kids other than mine for awhile, and i've missed it. i handle all our warm up and team building and jason directs the drills, and i think we all are having fun. we practice at our local school, less than a block from our house, so the other kids come along and play on the playground while we're training the next mia hamms of the world.
we had our first game this saturday - and luckily for us - in this rec league we don't keep score. we had to miss maya and porter's first games, as we had tickets to see Avenue Q (the third time for me!) while it's on national tour. my fil covered 'picture duty' for us - because, as an OCD scrapbooker, missing these first games about put me over the edge. so here's some shots of maya and porter during their games, and lilly and jason warming up for ours. i was too busy coaching to take pictures actually DURING our game.

true to his coach's prediction - porter is a scoring machine (coach also said that porter has a lot of energy to play soccer - go figure). looks like this might be his sport. we'll see about the girls!