i've survived the first two weeks of may!!
and, for those of you that don't know, it's really been a challenge...
first came the
great lakes mega meet held each mother's day weekend in novi...i'm the exhibits and special events manager, among other things, which means i build relationships with my exhibitors (83 of them this year!) and coordinate our evening events - opening ceremonies, with keynote address by scrapbooking "celebrity"
stacy julian and our crop parties (1000 croppers over two nights!!!) we had over 8,800 crazy scrapbookers join us this year!
here's some pictures of the weekend...

this is kate, tara and i on the little 'car' that tara had for the weekend to whip between our exhibit and event halls and down to the classroom area (we use a HUGE facility and this was an EXCELLENT mode of transportation - however, tara drove it like a little red corvette...)

me, holding the sign for one of our evening events - i was SO proud and excited for this event and that i was able to get Stacy Julian to come all the way to Michigan (from Spokane, WA!) ...unfortunately, we didn't sell as many tickets as we would have liked, but it was an awesome evening for those of us that were there (& kate made me bring the sign home to hang in my scrap room for at least a month to justify its cost!)

this is me teaching at the mega meet for the first time- oddly enough, my class was titled 'life is nuts!'

i get kate and tara a 'have a good show' gift each year - this year was specialty cookies from '
cookies by design' and i had them decorated to look like our logo for this year's event (which i also designed to resemble the logo from the upcoming beijing olympics)

and of course, here we are enjoying our cookies - kate's with the rolling tote girl, tara with the photographer, and me, running with scissors!

and here's most of the 'green shirt posse' - the management responsible for making this event possible every year - nicely done, ladies!!!
and during all that madness, and MANY thanks to my roommate donna who lent her sewing fingers, i was busily altering SEVEN costumes for our dance recital the next weekend! as usual, the whole event was exhausting, but an excellent product of our year-long work!
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