Thursday, March 19, 2015

to the editor....again

is every blog post about chickens?  well, maybe...

here's my most reason letter to the editor...well, sort of.  the paper has a 250 word limit (um, who can keep to THAT?) so since they won't publish the entirety of my thoughts and arguments, i'll do it myself.

If you walk into a local farm and garden supply store today, you’ll likely discover displays of small chicken coops and dozens of little fluffy animals waiting for their new homes.  Coops designed for just a few laying hens, and taking up less space than a typical dog kennel.

The benefits of backyard chickens include a providing a healthy, sustainable source of fresh eggs, nitrogen-rich fertilizer, and non-pesticide bug control in your backyard. It also provides opportunities for families to teach their children about sustainability, healthy food sources, and the care and keeping of pets (this includes being able to join organizations like 4-H).
In August and September, 2011, the City of Midland Planning Commission proposed the following Zoning Text Amendment No. 153 that would:
- Allow up to 6 laying hens or ducks, in single-family districts
- Require issuance of a permit by the City of Midland
- Prohibit the sale or advertisement of fresh eggs
- Regulate the construction materials of enclosures
- Prohibit the slaughtering of animals on site
- Prohibit roosters

Zoning Text Amendment No. 153 was put before the City Council of Midland, Michigan in October, 2011. Despite the recommendation of its approval by the Planning Commission, and significant resident support, the Council voted down this amendment.

In the time since this vote, I have exchanged letters back and forth with the City.  I started an online petition that garnered over 150 signatures.  I was interviewed by the Midland Daily News about my efforts.  I started the Backyard Chicken Keepers of Michigan Facebook page, which now has over 800 ‘likes’, with new folks joining every day.  And I started a GoFundMe account that has solicited nearly $100 in donations in just a few days, to help defer some of the costs associated with re-submitting the Petition for Zoning Amendment fees.

The continuing movement in the region, state and nation, is to live a greener lifestyle, and continues to support and promote the keeping of backyard chickens.

Backyard chicken keeping can enhance our community. The concern of ‘bad apples’ can be addressed with the following two quotes:

Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police.
— Albert Einstein

This world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

I have petitioned the Planning Commission to re-consider the Zoning Amendment.  And I’m requesting that Midland residents write letters, call the Planning Commission, and show up at Public Hearings.  It will take a landslide of support to sway them.  But I think the time has come. 

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