Thursday, March 10, 2016

KQOTD - Christmas vacation

there's nothing quite like a week or two home with the kidlets.   and Christmas time always brings out the best of our family.

they are giving.

they embrace the spirit of Christmas wholeheartedly.

and they get punchy.  

so, some KQOTD from our Christmas vacation ....

#1 - while opening gifts.  maya gets up to distribute a gift...
maya - "lilly gave me her gift from her, so I'll give her the gift from me...but it's going to be really anti-climactic."
lilly - "wait...does that mean that mine *was* climactic?" 
maya - "yes"
lilly - "sweet...."

#2 - we opened gifts on New Year's it was a long day.
molly - "what time is it?"
me - "9:57pm"
molly - "so, 10 then?"
lilly - "No, Molly, you can't round up on New Year's Eve."

#3 - the kids were gifted an XBox from grandpa.  after getting it set up in the basement, molly and porter were enjoying many hours of rousing games/playing of minecraft.  during one particular episode, while bundled in pajamas and a blanket on the couch, in true big sister style - 
lilly - "their enjoyment is annoying me."

#4 - and finally, though i'm not quite remembering the circumstances, i think it revolved around cooking or cleaning or having to do something...and perhaps, me being a bit whiny about it....
lilly - "mom, we can't have six kids I this house.  you have to be the adult."

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