Monday, June 22, 2009

molly is HOW old?!?

we celebrated molly's birthday in so many ways....

the day before her birthday, she got her own library card and checked out her own books!

on her actual birthday, molly's choice of activities included a trip to Dow Gardens and the sprinkler park...where she played with bubbles and dined on fruit snacks...she also enjoyed a 'traditional' fast-food lunch of choice - this year was KFC mac and cheese (last year was McD McNuggets...)

then she spent the night at grandmom and grandpop's for her first 'alone overnighter' - the older kids rotate through spending the night at there without the other kids...but molly had previously been too young...well not now! clearly it suits her well...

the day after her birthday, we celebrated by having a 'party' for her at the Loons game - our minor league baseball team here in town...Lou E. Loon came to wish molly a happy birthday, and we enjoyed the group outing, complete with fireworks...

two days after her birthday (which also happened to be father's day) she finally got to open her birthday presents from us....(who brushes this kid's hair?!?)

it was a great celebration for a great little girl!

1 comment:

Anne said...

Yay library card! That is such a neat thing to do for a birthday!