and so another fowl fourth has come and gone....
there was some good godfather/godson bonding...

and i will never forget the dreams that came true at the annual softball game...if only i'd had the video camera on for porter's first 'at bat'...which quickly turned into a home run!

girls young and old entertained each other on the playground during the game...

and lots of fun was had at the 'port-o-potty' lake...despite the color!

and the recent adult entertainment addition to the festivities....

the pictures are 'blurry' to protect the innocent and the guilty...and i only have two words -
plum cordial....we also got in some geocaching, in a larger family group, which was fun, too!

molly found her first geocache all by herself....she's not proud, or anything!

the kids in their 'camping shirts' having a light lunch before the family potluck dinner...

and some unusual sightings as well...

over the course of twenty-eight years, this event has changed very much....from a tent city with our backyard pool and a screened-in garage game room that was open 24 - 7 to family camping throughout the Great Lakes...and while it isn't the same as it was when it's still the same great people who gather and have fun as a family...and this is one tradition that i wouldn't change or give up for the world...
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