Wednesday, July 15, 2009


what is it and why do we do it?

well, we've had friends who have been geocaching - and it was intriguing enough that i figured out how to make the garmin we have for our car (as opposed to a handheld that is traditionally used for hiking and geocaching, etc) work for our purposes...

and so we now enjoy this 'treasure hunting' hobby - by downloading clues and coordinates for 'caches' that we hunt for...sometimes it's just a log book (or a small scroll!) - other times we find rubbermaid containers that have tradeable items (dollar store type items, or happy meal toys, etc) it's a fun, 'free' activity that our whole family enjoys...and we have some GREAT geocaching stories (like the 8 bee stings maya got at one location....or how we drove to new jersey just to find a cache....)

here's some pictures of us out and about (we try to remember to take one of every cache we've found...)

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