Monday, March 03, 2008


recently, this picture ran on the front page of our local newspaper.

Here's the caption: "Hop on one foot, now the other, now the other," Buffalo Bills linebacker John DiGiorgio said while warming up with kindergarten students blah blah and blah blah before physical education class at Blah Elementary. DiGiorgia, who is student teaching under Bob Wellman, hopes to someday return to Michigan to teach and coach football after finishing his professional football career. DiGiorgio admitted that it was difficult to transition form a life that is planned for him as an NFL player to making lesson plans for elementary students.

now, i've substituted some names - but suffice it to say that this is the girls' elementary school, and in fact, that is MAYA'S class!! there was no mention of a student teacher until i saw this in the paper and asked the girls about it and then they were oh so very happy to tell me all about Mr. D and how he plays football, etc, etc, etc. the article in the paper goes on to say that Mr. D completed all the requirements for his teaching degree at a local college, minus his student teaching, so has come back to complete that. well, this week was Mr. D's last week, and Lilly came home with this:
she was thrilled beyond words to have gotten a REAL autograph and immediately had to strategize with me about how to preserve and keep it safe and what album would it go in and how should we put it in there...

so, if you're feeling up to it, give some love to the buffalo bills and mr. d next football season, cause he made this little girl's day.

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