those of you attempting to keep tabs on me lately, well, i guess just yesterday, should know that you couldn't find me because i was shut in my dark bedroom for about 15 hours with a migraine. missed all of my usual thursday commitments...which stinks cause the day started great, including a great workout...but, alas, all good things must then apparently come to an abrupt halt with massive quantities of pain, medication and the fetal position.
better today - with just my usual residual pain and achiness. off to pack, as i'm going away for the weekend in about 3 hours, and not even my undies are packed, let alone all the scrapbooking stuff i'm suppose to be taking.
Ack! It's been a while for a big one, hasn't it?
Have a GREAT weekend. I'll give you ladies a call and check on you after our hooplah.
"supposed" to be.......
Can't help myself....I WAS an English major, you know........
I am so sorry about the migraine. David is a mess when he gets one. I am moving.....OUT OF STATE! I have lost your email address, your home address and all your phone numbers. Send me a message or something. My current email will be disabled soon so send a message quick before it does and I will send you our new email address.
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