Thursday, March 27, 2008


tara and co. invaded the baker bed and breakfast for their spring break (well, half of it anyway, and even that turned out to be a day longer than they'd originally planned...guess we're just that much fun).

and they brought a wii.

we had a wii bit of fun. even the wii little ones got the hang of it. porter was a wii excited and scored higher than i did, sometimes consistently! that was a wii frustrating.

and wii also enjoyed finding ways to insert wii into any and all sentences.

my arm was a wii bit sore from playing bowling - in which my ball curved a wii bit to the left. apparently i twisted my wrist, while holding the wii-mote, and that causes that wii-lly annoying curving.

here's maya in action.

and porter and his high score. kid puts me to shame.

tara's son, zach, decided that tara and i need a 'smackdown' record our challenges against one another. while i mop the floor with her in guitar hero, she kills me in wii bowling. and let's not even talk about the racing cows.

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