while at fowl fourth we received a call from my mother's cousin, letting us know that her uncle bob was diagnosed with liver cancer...
here's a picture of my Great Grandma B, and my Gram and Uncle Bob....many years ago...Grandma B passed away in 1989...almost exactly 20 years before her only son...
we recently visited with uncle bob at my grandparent's 65th wedding anniversary celebration...as my grandmother's only sibling, she was thrilled that he and a few of his children were able to join us for that special dinner.
just nine days after he was diagnosed, having never left the care of the hospital or hospice facility, my great uncle bob passed away.
while i visit regularly with extended family on my dad's side....but that hasn't been the case with my mom's side...it had been many years since i'd seen some of my distant cousins, and, as always, i wish that it wasn't for this reason. this occasion gave my grandparents an opportunity to go out to dinner with just their four children...and my mom couldn't remember a time that they'd ever done that...just the six of them...