Friday, October 05, 2007


well, it's been a 'migraine day' for me.

i am a migraine sufferer. i have been for as long as i can remember. i have several triggers, but i finally pinned down another one today.

frequently when i see a play or movie, i end up with a low grade migraine. usually sleeping that night with a dose of ibuprofen solves my problem, but recently that hasn't been the case, and today, for example, after watching what was one of the best productions of 'godspell' that i've seen, i had a migraine that started a little before intermission and carried me well over into this morning. thank goodness with jason's new job he could go in a little late to help me with meds to 'break the cycle' of the headache so that i could care for the kids today. i was, unfortunately, unable to help the girls with their 'picture day hair' (they love having it curled) as i was thoroughly, completely and utterly unable to get out of bed this morning.

so i finally did some internet research to find out WHY i keep getting headaches when seeing shows...and i found the answer - sensory overload...too much stimulation. in a house with 4 kids ages 7 and under, it's sitting quietly in a theater that gives me a migraine. go figure.

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