"I have officially ascended the .7 mile long trail which is unpaved and has an uneven rock and dirt surface that may be loose and slippery in places. It leads through a dark tunnel and involves climbing 271 steps through a narrow spiral staircase inside an unlit bunker."
yeah, that pretty much sums it up. however, here's the view from the top. that's waikiki and honolulu.
basically, you park in the middle of the crater, and then hike up to the rim. here's our car in the center of the crater...what, you can't see that microscopic parking lot??
the heat was also overwhelming and i could feel a migraine coming on by the time we were done...you probably know where i'm going with this if you read the blog at all...
the remainder of the day we spent in waikiki...we were fortunate to find some free parking at one end of waikiki beach, and being a sunday afternoon, we got some great entertainment from a lot of locals out on their body boards (and some surfing...).
i spent the rest of the day, minus about the half an hour i got up to eat our sushi lunch take out, in bed, drugged up and sleeping. i'm not surprised that the day went the way it did...disappointed, but not surprised. i can't expect my body to handle that kind of travel, hike and heat without suffering the consequences. here's hoping it's the last headache of this trip.
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