here's some of the fish - represented with about 10% of their color. i do have to say that the coral we saw in hawaii was not nearly as impressive as the coral i saw when i snorkeled in the bahamas. in fact, it wasn't impressive at all, it was depressing. the reefs in hawaii are struggling to survive. hopefully, as we continue to learn about the reef we will be able to better protect it, while still being able to enjoy it - as it's hard to protect something when you haven't experienced the wonder that it holds.
and here they are - the pictures that i hoped would be good enough to provide me with just a fraction of the feeling i had when we took them. i really cannot describe the awesomeness of this creature. i realize i am someone who has loved animals since birth and whose two college degrees are based on it - but i cannot imagine that anyone else in our position wouldn't also be as taken in by this experience.
surfacing to take a breath
munching on some coral
more munching - those are my feet with the pink reef shoes in the background
everyone has those moments in their lives where they have this feeling. i remember several in my life - my wedding day, the birth of each of our children - are givens of course. but also when i marched with hundreds of guatemalans during a religious procession. and swimming with this sea turtle. i believe it is a time when you are feeling the grace and face of god. it is being so at peace and in such a state of wonder that there is nothing but that moment. it's a moment that while fleeting, the memory of it stays with you forever.
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