it's always hard to leave my kids...this is the longest we will have been away from any of them, let alone ALL of them.
so we started our anniversary trip off right with a double date with our friends the jalandoni's...
but before we could head to dinner, we needed 'pretty toes' for our barefoot beach vow renewal...
here we are at the semi-local nail place that tara took us too....the nice folks there were really perplexed that jason was getting a pedicure, and even more perplexed that he was having a colored polish. sheesh, what's with these people - they've never seen a guy pick orange polish for his toes before? tara waited patiently taking pictures while jason and i had our feet beautified.
many thanks to neil and tara for letting us crash for the night and dragging their tired butts out of bed to take us to the airport at o'dark thirty...
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